The product contains paper material which is fused with a special multi-ply laminate with a conductive layer. The conductive layer creates a barrier which impedes communication between the reader and the card to reduce the chance that sensitive information contained on the card’s RFID chip remains protected when not in use.
TheftDefender Security Sleeve Features
Blocking & Sleeve Specifications
What will the sleeve protect?
The sleeves are designed to work with most contactless credit cards, passports, drivers licenses, ISO 14443A/B and EPC Gen1/Gen2 contactless smart cards and any contactless card that operates at 13.56 Mhz and above. The 13.56 Mhz interface is generally the only one with personal data. Some generation three identification badges that use DES-Fire would be protected as well, but depends on the power setting emitting from the DES-Fire RFID reader.
Note: The sleeve only protects your information if your card or passport is fully inserted into the sleeve and meets the proper frequency sprecifications.
What will the sleeve NOT protect??
It does not work with non-smart cards (older 125khz proximity cards). On cards that include a secondary 125 khz antenna added for backward compatibility. Other cards include: Older "prox" cards, HID 125 khz. Includes: ProxCard II, ISOProx II, DuoProx II, Smart ISOProx II, Smart DuoProxII, ProxCard Plus, Indala FlexISO, FLexCard, FLex Tag and some first generation 13.56 MHZ chips. These frequencies have been typically associated with first & second generation identification badges. (i.e. employee badges, parking passes, toll passes)
No product can guarantee the protection of personal information or that identity theft won’t occur. However when using the product properly in accordance to the product specifications, the manufacturers testing procedures indicate that the paper material used can greatly reduce the opportunity for loss of valuable information.